Ready to Connect with the Heart....
First, it means loving yourself. You love yourself when you know you are a perfect and divine creation with unique gifts and personality that your soul chose to experience in this life. You love yourself when your desire to be fully embodied is so strong that you face the vulnerable and sensitive parts of your being with compassion and in doing so you find you are powerfully capable of more than you had imagined. You walk through your fear of being seen. You allow yourself to experience all parts of yourself with appreciation because you know that you are created from love. You learn how to expand instead of closing your heart in difficult situations. You willingly bring spaciousness and expansion into your heart and every cell of your body. You listen to the loving supportive voice of your essence self rather than the critical diminishing voice of the wounded ego.
This is a journey of love. It is a journey that you take to nurture yourself, to find emotional freedom, to grow spiritually and to walk in the world centered with an open loving heart.