Welcome Fellow Traveler,
The Heartfulness Path is a way of Being and Living in the world. Our true essential nature, our Essence Self, is the consciousness of Pure Awareness, Love, and Unity. We came into the world innocent with an open heart radiating love and a desire to share this love with others. The light that shines inside of us is eternally luminous and bright. Layers of protection from the harsh reality of living often cover up our brilliance. This site offers a space of renewal and empowerment into our individual and collective light of loving consciousness. This is an invitation to bring enlightened wisdom, discovery, curiosity, innovation, wonder, and creativity from all realms of human endeavor together to expand our awareness of consciousness. By honoring love, truth, beauty, trust, harmony and peace in holistic sustainable expressions, we draw upon life-enhancing art, psychology, science, spirituality, creativity, healing modalities, therapies, sound, inspirational poetry and prose to develop, enlighten and support health and wholeness. The Heartfulness Path is the Epic Adventure of listening to the voice of your inner guidance while falling in love with your true essence, remembering your inherent worth, and knowing You Are Love.
In Loving Service,
The Heartfulness Path is a way of Being and Living in the world. Our true essential nature, our Essence Self, is the consciousness of Pure Awareness, Love, and Unity. We came into the world innocent with an open heart radiating love and a desire to share this love with others. The light that shines inside of us is eternally luminous and bright. Layers of protection from the harsh reality of living often cover up our brilliance. This site offers a space of renewal and empowerment into our individual and collective light of loving consciousness. This is an invitation to bring enlightened wisdom, discovery, curiosity, innovation, wonder, and creativity from all realms of human endeavor together to expand our awareness of consciousness. By honoring love, truth, beauty, trust, harmony and peace in holistic sustainable expressions, we draw upon life-enhancing art, psychology, science, spirituality, creativity, healing modalities, therapies, sound, inspirational poetry and prose to develop, enlighten and support health and wholeness. The Heartfulness Path is the Epic Adventure of listening to the voice of your inner guidance while falling in love with your true essence, remembering your inherent worth, and knowing You Are Love.
In Loving Service,
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