We all crave connection. It is our deepest desire to connect, to be seen, to be heard, to be known for who we are with all of our foibles, triumphs, idiosyncrasies, desires, faults, and mistakes, and to find someone to share our story and our dreams with. Connection is hardwired in us. It is absolutely vital in order to survive. We come into the world as a newborn completely dependent upon others to feed us, shelter us, and take care of our basic needs. Without their support and connection, we will die.
This drive to connect fuels an insatiable longing. Longing to be in relationship, to belong in a group, to be understood, to be treated fairly, to be liked, to give and receive love, to connect with God/Spirit/Source, and to have our life matter. It also fuels the need for touch, to be nurtured, comforted and for sexual gratification. |
For most of us, finding and sustaining deep connection has been a rocky road. It takes moving through our wounds and fears, forming an identity, learning about our needs, having appropriate boundaries, accessing our unique gifts, and knowing how to nurture and love ourselves. It can be a lifelong journey of discovery to know ourselves. Relationship allows a whole new level of seeing and understanding our self through the reflection from another's eyes. What is reflected back to us is often a mixture of images and messages that leave us either in a blissful state of love or confused, discouraged and disheartened or somewhere in between. Teasing out what matters for our own well-being and personal growth in a balanced and healthy way is much of the inward path. May you find connection and community here. It is a place for you to communicate and share as well as receive.
I offer affordable Individual and Couples counseling to support your path through TheDorWay
My StoryMy path has had many twists and turns and has led me to connect with people from varied facets of life and occupations. Designing and creating have always been a passion. I am fascinated with architecture and began studies to become an architect. Spirit altered the direction when I went to northern California. Plunged into the tech world, designing buildings turned into designing P.C. boards and electro-mechanical parts. From there, I ventured to Maine for a hands-on building course at Shelter Institute. I moved there and found myself in a consulting firm refurbishing wood product mills as a mechanical design engineer. Another trip across the continent took me to Seattle where I worked as an aerospace mechanical design engineer at Boeing and then to Colorado working for Martin Marietta aerospace.
During those years, I learned much about the value of cooperation, listening and relating to people in every department from design to manufacturing, upper management, vendors, directors of companies and clerks. What I found was that each person felt valued and cooperative when I related to them from a place of respect while acknowledging their skills and point of view.
After my daughter was born, I desired more interaction in my local community and began working with children for Boulder Valley school district. At first, as a para-educator with special needs children and then as the computer teacher for grades kindergarten through fifth. It certainly was an education for me in balancing my emotions and learning about relationships. Meeting the needs and connecting with children who had been abused or were born with disabilities was the most challenging occupation I had ever experienced. I have studied spirituality and metaphysics most of my life and the principles of living from a place of heartfelt compassion and balance were being tested. It served me well and took me deeper into understanding human development, facilitating spiritual growth and fostering well-being. For the past twenty years, I have been facilitating meditation, vision, spiritual and heart opening workshops. I received my Masters in Marriage and Family therapy so that I could better serve individuals and couples in their journey of the heart to their highest good. I believe that life is abundant and filled with opportunities when we listen to our soul and inner guidance. Our innate essence is nurturing and is constantly stretching our horizons. |