Developing an internal sense of a permanent peaceful place within provides a knowing of inviolable safety and trust. This sanctuary is found by moving into and beyond the transient experience of fear. Yes, that’s right, touching the fear. It sounds challenging because it is such a change from the way you may have previously related to fear. For the most part, you have been taught that fear itself is dangerous and territory that you do not want to touch.
The Practice
Move through it at your own pace and be aware of the feelings that arise
Being Consciously Aware opens you to the Experience
Meet fear with the feeling of being welcomed into its home and getting to know it. Approach this part of yourself gently and slowly; take your time. Fear is an energetic expression of your emotional body to warn you. You are entering the unknown. It may be uncomfortable and much resistance may arise. Open to fear with curiosity, spaciousness and a sense of discovery. Become consciously aware of your response to fear and approach fear as you would a supportive relationship.
Be Aware of Your Natural Tendency to Turn Away from Fear
Naturally, your impulse is to turn away. The desire to not feel fear is normal because it is a feeling of not being safe. You retract from feeling the physical sensations of fear in the same way you use to get away from danger. You may Fight fear by “toughening up,” suppressing and controlling the sensations, Flee by distracting yourself or ignoring the sensations, or Numbing the fear with drugs or alcohol. All of these engage you in a battle against your own body and against yourself instead of addressing the cause of the fear. Your longing to not feel fear makes you more afraid and insecure. You can’t fight, run away from or freeze fear into submission. If you attempt to control it, it returns again and again as anxiety and grows louder. Fear is a warning siren. The only way to turn off a smoke alarm is to pay attention to it and physically connect with it. It is wise to run out of the house to get away from fire, but running away from the alarm to stop it from ringing won’t work.
A great Benevolence and Caring are at the Heart of Fear,
which deeply Cares for and Protects You
Approaching fear with a willingness to experience it with love for what it is protecting creates a new relationship with this part of you that is exquisitely designed to safeguard you. A great benevolence and caring are at the heart of fear, which deeply cares for and protects you. Underneath the desire to protect is immense love and compassion for yourself and others. Touching fear with your Conscious Awareness transforms your understanding of it into an aspect that is known.
Allow Yourself to Experience the Physical Sensations of Fear
Have you ever been fully present with the physical sensations of fear? Your reaction to fear is rapid and instinctual; it happens so quickly that you probably have not paid much attention to your bodily sensations. Overcome your habitual tendency to not feel and your desire to not be afraid by choosing to discover this part of your being. Enter with Love.
As fear arises, place your awareness on the physical sensations in your body. Fear is a vibration of energy. Notice where the energy is located in your body and where it moves. Allow your curiosity to discover the subtle qualities. What are the textures, temperature, sounds, smell and color of the energy? Biological changes activate your body to protect itself.
Some of the physical sensations you may encounter are:
- An abrupt, all encompassing movement of energy in your chest and throat
- Your heart beating faster….your breathing becoming more rapid
- Blood vessels constricting to shunt the blood around your body to your core, arms and legs
- At the same time, you may get a cold flash or even trembling as the blood moves away from the skin and into your core
- Your perception and awareness of what is around you increases
- You become very alert and focused with increased clarity
- Your sensing ability expands spherically far out from your body
- You have a deep instinctual desire to get away or hide
- You may have a sense of contraction, tightness or shrinking
- Clarity diminishing when flooded with fear and panic
You will have your own unique experience of the sensations. Notice what happens to you in different circumstances. As you learn about your automatic responses make different choices in how you relate to fear. Do you panic or react with more fear? What happens when you choose to relate to fear with compassion and kindness? How does your experience change when you know you can regulate your response? You cannot eliminate fear and it would not be wise to do so but the more you get to know fear and gain confidence and trust in your ability to choose your response, the more you develop a sense of safety and security.
Uncovering the Emotional Truth that fear has been Protecting
leads you into an Awareness of your Story
and an Exploration into your True Self
Once you have connected with the physical sensations of fear, and gain some skill with your ability to touch it, observe how the energy changes. The intensity shifts, it comes and goes, and you have a greater awareness of its impermanent nature.
Staying present with the fear, take a deep breath and increase the depth of your compassion and caring. Love invokes a profound state of clarity. Connect with the energy that is guarding and protecting a part of you. Fear protects your body and your loved ones and also protects your values, beliefs and parts of yourself that you find unacceptable. Often what keeps you from inhabiting a place of safety is your fear of what you may discover inside of yourself. Inquire deeper within and see if what you care about protecting is still necessary or true for you.
Is it a belief I hold that is not in alignment with my authentic self? Is this an essential part of myself? What else may fear be protecting? Is it hiding a disowned part of myself? Is there something I fear even more than keeping the anxiety? Am I holding on to a belief that I am innately bad, unworthy or unlovable? Do I fear what I desire most: receiving love, intimacy, abundance, or relationship with God or Spirit?
Uncovering the emotional truth that fear has been protecting leads you into an awareness of your story and an exploration into your true self. Look at how many times you have walked into fear. What strengths and attributes have carried you through rough times? What parts of you adapted? Somehow, you have survived and that speaks of your resilience. A sense of freedom and empowerment results from regaining disowned aspects of yourself and finding out that your essential nature is good, capable and wholesome.
Honor and appreciate your authentic self; allow the unfolding. An internal sense of safety is a journey and is built from the recognition of your authentic power and trusting that there is an unwavering well of support and guidance within.