It looks to me as though the 'Chaos state' that we have been experiencing within us and within our culture is giving way to the 'centrifugal' part of the process. All of the structural patterns are mixed up, thrown in the air and are now becoming untangled. The stuff that needs to drop out is being expelled. Sometimes, it feels good when it leaves and other times it feels like an explosion. Some of what remains is still in chaos without any clear pattern and yet some parts are now free and hanging in mid-air. It feels freer. Using Scott Peck's model of four stages of community formation, the second stage of chaos moves into the third stage, emptiness. The parts of us that are hanging in the emptiness are the ones, which bring those big 'Ah Hah' insights and revelations. We see more of who we are. Even though there is still more to sort out and untangle, there is a feeling of the emptiness and a feeling of relief. We are getting there. Within it all is the anticipation for the strands to reconfigure into new patterns that serve humanity and us. The new model emerging is one of allowance in a way we have not experienced before for ourselves and for others. It brings us into the rhythm of cycles and Peck's fourth stage of community formation,
Communion and Unity.....