Fear is normal when the solid foundation you have built falls apart. The grief when family members and friends suffer or die is real. There is a concern for the basics of life when your income is no longer guaranteed, when there are bills to pay and when there is a shortage of necessities. It is wise to be conscientious and gather what you need. This crisis raises your awareness of what is vital for your survival and also what you value.
Your fears, vulnerabilities, and your actions point to the consciousness you hold. As you gather what is necessary are you doing so with respect and kindness to others? Are you sharing? Thich Nhat Hanh's words about fear are noteworthy.
Fear Keeps Us Focused on the Past or Worried about the Future.
If we can Acknowledge our Fear,
We can realize that Right Now we are Okay.
Right now, today, we are still Alive, and our Bodies are working Marvelously.
Our Eyes can still see the Beautiful Sky.
Our Ears can still Hear the Voices of our Loved Ones.
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
If panic or feelings of isolation arise let it pull you deeper inward. Welcome the opportunity to see what you value. What is sustainable and what is not? Be honest and take a close look at all that you cherish or give your time to and see if it is life-giving. How can this time be used to create a new world that is friendlier, more relational and less fearful of others, attuned with nature using sustainable modalities, and systems that allow everyone to thrive with honor and respect. Yes, it is a time of great change and constructive transformation can only occur if we Wake Up to our own consciousness of beliefs, values, and actions.
If You can Imagine it, You can Achieve it.
If You can Dream it, You can Become it.
~ William Arthur Ward