It looks to me as though the 'Chaos state' that we have been experiencing within us and within our culture is giving way to the 'centrifugal' part of the process. All of the structural patterns are mixed up, thrown in the air and are now becoming untangled. The stuff that needs to drop out is being expelled. Sometimes, it feels good when it leaves and other times it feels like an explosion. Some of what remains is still in chaos without any clear pattern and yet some parts are now free and hanging in mid-air. It feels freer. Using Scott Peck's model of four stages of community formation, the second stage of chaos moves into the third stage, emptiness. The parts of us that are hanging in the emptiness are the ones, which bring those big 'Ah Hah' insights and revelations. We see more of who we are. Even though there is still more to sort out and untangle, there is a feeling of the emptiness and a feeling of relief. We are getting there. Within it all is the anticipation for the strands to reconfigure into new patterns that serve humanity and us. The new model emerging is one of allowance in a way we have not experienced before for ourselves and for others. It brings us into the rhythm of cycles and Peck's fourth stage of community formation,
Communion and Unity.....
It is not just a new model emerging but also a wave of people and the Earth entering into a new level of consciousness. We are releasing an entire paradigm. There will be a multitude of patterns forming in this new paradigm. It will be a diversity of forms and structures that reflect the diverse beings that we have become. Some of these new patterns will be elegantly simple while others more complex. They will all have one thing in common; they will 'breathe.'
With the best intention and for a specific purpose, we begin new endeavors by inhaling and breathing life into our structures and forms. We all feel the freshness and excitement of creativity and new life as we do this. There is energy for growth, movement and creation. As time goes on, the energy gets used up. The process, business, relationship etc. becomes clogged with stagnation and gunk. Instead of exhaling and releasing that which no longer serves us, we hold and hold and hold. When things do not go smoothly, or there are problems and conflict, we attempt to solve it by getting more rigid and inducing more structure, discipline and rules into the system. We believe this will create a more perfect structure for our purpose. We are trying in every way to hold onto the outmoded form or pattern. Then finally, KaBoom.... the stress and strain simply break through this structure whether it is a business, our physical body or our relationships. Although the breakthrough brings freedom, the effect of bursting through a structure in this way often causes some form of destruction from mild to catastrophic. Without exhaling we become stuck in creating forms that are fixed and rigid. These creations cannot breathe and change and grow. Without the rhythm of breath, they are held as in holding the breath, causing tension, stress and finally just breaking down.
Balance of the Merkaba
There is magic, mystery and a deep elegance throughout the steps of the MerKaBa meditation. It not only leads one directly into the heart, unconditional love, Christ consciousness and unity but it also describes perfectly where we have been, where we are and where we are going. It reflects the way we have been manifesting form and shows us how to create with flowing forms in harmony with nature.
In the MerKaBa meditation, with the first six breaths, we begin the process of breathing in and out and holding. It is the clearing, balancing and tuning phase. We are exhaling and that is good. This is what the healing modalities have been teaching and assisting people to do....'exhale' and get rid of the blockages, the stress, the emotional baggage and all the other 'stuff' that no longer serves us. Releasing has been a huge step to take because it has allowed us to clear out the garbage rather than letting it build up into toxic waste. This is the process that allows our polarities to balance and tune. The holding of the breath creates the tension in order to release. We breathe in the next breath and begin all over again. This way of breathing and creating is a big improvement over just taking in and using up all of the energy. We are receiving and giving back. As we give the gift of love and energy to others and the Earth we come into harmony and rhythm with nature.
Now that we are breathing in this way, it is apparent that even this way of breathing is not enough for the level of consciousness we are beginning to embody. With each new breath, we are taking in energy and then releasing it. We hold and cling to the last breath of the old form. We start all over and create a new form, a new breath cycle and in essence are living and dying within each cycle. Instead of creating forms and structures that die or dissolve, we are moving into a level of consciousness of spherical flow where our creations never truly die. They breathe, morph, grow and change as we breathe, morph, grow and change.
Breathing a Continuous Flow of Prana
The next step is to open up to a NEW way of Breathing. It is to remember how we used to breathe, how we used to create. The next step of the meditation instructs us that prana flows continually in, forming a sphere. It never stops. This is the important difference between the way we used to breathe and breathing spherically. The flow never stops. Energy in the form of prana continually enters and any energy that no longer serves us is continually flowing through. There is no separation between receiving and giving. It is one motion. We don't have to release or let go, the energy simply flows. When the sphere changes into a sun, which brings self-sustaining energy into the physical body, it then expands outward into the stable secondary sphere. Prana is still entering and expanding beyond the secondary sphere allowing the energy to flow spherically in a continual movement of energy. As we breathe this way we will naturally bring that spherical flow into our forms and creations knowing that our outward manifestations are a holographic reflection of our own consciousness. There is no shortage of Prana/Source energy.
What does continuous flow allow? It allows for faster and even instant manifestation without the pain of holding and releasing. There is no switching from in breath to out breath. It allows instant re-generation and re-formation of our cells. New forms, patterns or blueprints of creation continually and instantly form and re-form. The patterns are living, breathing and alive. They change to reflect what serves humanity and us in the moment. Allowing flow allows the structural patterns to move and change. We are not static beings. We entered this world as a baby. The baby body grows rapidly, changing daily. The blueprint of the baby body form serves for only a short time. Our bodies continue to change daily and moment-by-moment. When we do not allow this movement, we become ill and diseased. This applies to any type of structure we create. That is what the sustainability and ecological movements, the Indigenous peoples, bio-diversity groups and many others are all speaking about. Nature is always in flow. We have been creating 'STUCK.' We have been creating 'no change', fixed structures, forms, organizations, relationships etc. We know the deleterious effect this has had on society, organizations, relationships and the environment.
Abundance from the Heart
The new, alive forms and patterns will allow a continual flow of resources and people to move through without containing or limiting the expression. They will be allowed to breathe and expand in ever changing and diverse ways to meet the changing needs and desires of humanity, earth and all creatures. This means consciously creating with the intention and heart of flow. Every input into a structure that is transformed into a temporary form pattern or configuration will easily release its structure or configuration back into the earth or regenerate into a new form. This flow is easily understood in the manufacturing of products with the responsible action of recycling and use of sustainable resources. We understand the effect and problems associated with pollution, toxic waste, plastics, and ecological and environmental destruction. Spherical consciousness will allow us to see alternate patterns for organizations, which allow malleability, flexibility, permeability, equality, ethics, movement and growth. In all relationships we are realizing the need for giving and receiving with unconditional love. In every facet of life flow is the energy of Oneness.
Blueprint of Integrity
We have been preparing ourselves for this moment in time. Astrologically, Pluto has moved into Capricorn heralding a change in the way we do business. It is casting out forms that are not ethical or not in equality. For the next fifteen years we will be seeing the effect of this energy. The Unity Consciousness grid as Drunvalo Melchizedeck describes it, 'is based on the pentagonal dodecahedron interconnected to the icosahedron, which is the new grid for the consciousness that is evolving on Earth.' The female aspect of the Unity Consciousness grid is connected and complete and has now been activated. This has long been awaited. With both the male and female grids joined and activated, the Unity Consciousness Grid is now holding humanity's new blueprint of consciousness.
Consciousness of Unconditional Love
We are moving through a portal into a new level of awareness, which is the consciousness of unconditional love, allowance, flow and Unity. We have just entered this new realm. It feels different. We have walked through the door across the threshold and into the light. But wait, it is a blazing bright light. It is so bright that we cannot see. We are blind and nothing is the same. Some of us are experiencing nausea, aches, pains, and fevers. It moves through rapidly and with a bang. This new vibration and level of consciousness is purging our body of the old frequency. We are also faced with any unresolved issues. Our shadows are brought up and this time we cannot ignore them. Our polarities must be balanced in order to remain in this light. We are coming into our center. Relationships are a focus of our attention. It is a time when resolution can occur. This may mean leaving a relationship or re-engaging in a completely new way. We must honor the truth of our being and follow our heart and honor and respect the path of our fellow travelers. As we empower ourselves we empower each other. Allowance and unconditional love are hallmarks of unity consciousness. All of the energy for facing our fears and handling our challenges is available to us. Have courage and faith for you are not alone. Look around. Humanity is linking up and reaching out to one another. Though this movement may feel difficult it is filled with compassion. You will find kindness and vulnerability in those whose hearts were once closed. Remember the 11th, 12th, and 13th breaths of the MerKaBa meditation? They are the stabilizing breaths. That is where we are now. We are breathing in a new way. Of course our physical body as well as every level of our being is going through an adjustment and stabilization. You may feel wobbly, disoriented, and unsure of where you are or where you are going for a while. You may not know where you will live, how you will live, or without a purpose. Perhaps everything that you have ever known is gone. Keep breathing and you will come into your center. Your eyes will adjust to the light. We have just come out of the cave. Give yourself time to be with this new energy, consciousness and perception. All of us are going through much movement and re-organization. As people adjust, their movement affects those around them and this ensues more adjustments. We are intertwined and each one of us is finding our new frequency and harmony.
Living in Your Heart
There will be a moment when you will feel the stabilization lock in. Now, bring your center into your heart, breathing in prana and look out at this new world. Here in our heart with the 14th breath, we can begin to dream the new patterns and 'dream the new dream.' With fresh eyes and a newly found freedom we create a new future. We are now connected to the Cosmos, our ancestors, with all of life and can give and receive knowing we are truly One being. For us as individuals as our vibration continues to change into higher consciousness at an ever increasing pace the old patterns will easily dissolve and release. New patterns will be instantly formed matching the new frequency. Our energies can more easily balance polarities, integrate and go into flow, feel unconditional love for all of life and know our connection to Source.
Feel the activation and simply breathe.
This article was published in The Spirit of Ma'at, December 2008 issue.