Your consciousness is extending far beyond the confines of your individual body. Your body is receiving massive amounts of energy and information. This is a new development and it takes a lot of energy to process and integrate these phenomena. Your body is adjusting and learning how to assimilate these experiences and make sense of what is happening in the world. The magnitude of chaotic events may leave you with a deep sense of vulnerability. You are unable to exert control to stop these events. This may bring about hyper-awareness, anxiety, and stress or your body may respond by shutting down with a sense of being drained and fatigued. Any of these physical reactions may cause confusion and disorientation with accompanying emotional reactions. You may find yourself tense, irritable, worried, fearful, and angry or you may become detached, withdrawn, sullen or depressed. Your personal response is a natural strategy used to protect you from physical and emotional pain and overload.
Unfortunately, these strategies are not especially conducive to achieving the healthy equilibrium necessary for optimal day-to-day functioning or for managing your reactions to the chaos.
Making Sense of the Chaos
Why is there all of this chaos and why does it seem to be intensifying?
Humanity is linking together. For the most part, we are no longer isolated into small villages unaware of other communities and cultures. Modes of travel and the Internet have shortened the distance between all of us. The body of humanity is coalescing into a global community of disparate as well as resonant cultural proclivities. We come together from all walks of life and all levels of development. This interconnection creates an awareness of actions and behaviors of others that are not in agreement. These opposing views and values often clash as they meet and create chaos. Chaos is messy. Chaos is destructive because it breaks down patterns, behaviors, and structures that no longer work as we grow, change and form a larger community.
Chaos is a Part of the Creative Process
Have you noticed a proliferation of odious, perverse, thoughtless, heartless, abusive, or inhumane treatment of others surfacing in the world? You are witnessing the dredging up of shadowy human behaviors that destroy life. This destructive phase of chaos is rampant across all forms of life. It is disturbing and it is supposed to be.
It is a time when you must be accountable and responsible for your thoughts, emotions, and physical actions. You cannot accept or look away from harm. If the human species is to survive, you need to be aware because what each one of us does affects us all in a way it never has before. Chaos is a natural process of growth that shines a light on behaviors that sift out what no longer works to sustain life and restructures them into greater life giving forms. As you become aware of others actions and behaviors it prompts you to look within at your own. What attitudes, beliefs, behaviors and actions separate me from others and life and which ones create connection? You are given the opportunity to become aware of what motivates you, supports your growth, offers meaning and purpose and expands you and what does not.
As you ponder your own beliefs, you may discover that some of your values shift. Some of your values may be in conflict with others that you hold. This internal chaos is a creative process that encourages inquiry. What is harm? What is life sustaining? How can I expand my perspective to include a broader view? You begin to realize there are no solid answers and more questions arise. This is growth in action. You open up parts of yourself that fear, parts of yourself that want everything to remain the same or to radically change, parts of yourself that want to isolate and parts that want to join with others. You may have judged parts of yourself as harmful and others as helpful. Can you begin to see that all of these parts came in at one time for a purpose?
You are dancing in the Chaos of internal inquiry.
You Need Chaos In Your Soul to Give Birth to a Dancing Star
~ Friedrich Nietzsche
Waking up to your inner chaos allows your unique perspective and gifts to illuminate the human condition. You find parts of yourself that you vehemently reject and see the violence that you enact upon yourself through this rejection. As you deepen your awareness, you join with discordant parts within yourself and see each of their origins, how they grew into patterns of behavior and reactions. You develop compassion for these parts. You begin to let go of fighting or resisting these elements and embrace them for what they offered or still provide. Loosening the grip of resistance allows a relaxation into acceptance and release.
Your perspective expands to include a deeper knowing and love of your true Self.
All growth moves through this process of Chaos. The deconstruction and dissolution of the old must take place to make way for the new. It is happening for you on an individual basis at the level of development that is right for you. It is happening collectively in the world…again at the pace and next level of development that is appropriate for each person and each community. Humanity contains all stages and levels of consciousness. It is a great challenge to integrate into a harmonious whole. As each person takes responsibility for their own internal development and allows the internal chaos to work its magic of restructuring, the entire world benefits.
A great example of visually seeing how chaos is necessary for growth is watching a demonstration of Cymatics. Sand or other fine particles are placed upon a plate to which various frequencies of sound vibrate the plate. Each frequency forms a structured pattern. As the frequency increases, the particles go into chaos allowing the old structure to dissolve before a new pattern of increasing complexity forms.
CYMATICS: Amazing Resonance Experiment
As you grow and change, you move through periods of chaos and each time you do, you reach a new frequency of development and maturity. You develop knowledge and wisdom. You embody a completely new form because your old beliefs and structures are no longer relevant. It is a constant movement into higher stages of consciousness.
Our world is increasing in complexity and as it does it moves through these periods of chaos. It is a time of tremendous transition as we journey toward becoming a harmonious global community.