You Are Love
The next frontier is developing a deep abiding love for your emotional body. It changes your relationship to everything. You no longer feel powerless and begin to feel safe in the world. When you understand the purpose of the emotions, you are no longer at the mercy of them or in resistance to them. You develop a relationship of cooperation and the inner conflict melts away. Past traumas are transformed into wisdom, compassion and discernment. It changes how you view yourself in relationship to others and the meaning of unconditional love. The foundation of this practice is the knowing that ALL of your emotions are purposeful and contain powerful messages and meaning. The emotions are the language of our body and through which our soul speaks. The practice of befriending your emotions deepens your relationship with the wisdom of your body connecting you to source energy and internal guidance. It is a process of learning to engage with, welcome and nurture your feelings, which are the energy and sensations of emotions, and realize the beautiful treasure of guidance and inspiration that they hold. Feeling allows you to connect to the language of your soul, to knowing your needs, to trusting yourself, to being able to follow your purpose, to seeing that you are an integral part of divine unity and in doing so you are in touch with your authentic self.....
The Emotional Mastery workshop encompasses experiential practices to empower you. Heartfulness is the practice of the Feeling Sense of Awareness focusing on the emotions, sensations and wisdom of the body. It leads to:
· Self Awareness
· Self-Regulation of Emotions
· Connection with Your Inner Guidance
· Compassion and Empathy for Self and Others
· Positive Feelings and Outlook on Life
· Authenticity and Fulfillment
· Self-Love and Remembrance of your Divine Nature
It holds the key to renewing your sense of wonder, curiosity and connection to life. Knowing who you really are, you trust your discernment and direction in life. You feel the freedom to explore life and previously hidden aspects of yourself.
During our two-day sojourn, we travel through an Emotional Triad of time. We revisit the past learning how to resolve emotional wounds and trauma, which are affecting our present life. Unearthing beliefs that once served us, we challenge those beliefs through inquiry and understanding and create beliefs that serve our life in the present. Through the practice of Heartfulness, we learn how to explore emotions as they arise. Embracing the wisdom of our emotions provides meaning and guidance for how to successfully navigate the present. Our fresh outlook and trust in self invites us into a future open to possibility and creativity. Learning the skill of working with our emotional body empowers a newfound ability to create life in our highest good in concert with our soul’s purpose.