Today, I see a glimmer of hope. I see people of all colors standing for a change that needs to happen, for justice, equality, and treating each and every person with respect. Most people protesting are doing so in a peaceful way to raise awareness of the tragic injustice happening to black and disenfranchised groups of people. These are people with their hearts open. They feel and they care.
We have a long way to go. Storms of violence have spread across the nation. It is painful to see violence, and it is a reflection of the violence against human lives that has been fostered through oppression. There are those that are fighting for their life. When you have been shoved down and your anguish and pleas have been ignored the buried rage to survive bursts out, often in exceedingly destructive ways. You may judge it or not understand it but this reaction comes from a natural will to live and for justice to be enacted. Desperation causes desperate acts.
Desperation Causes Desperate Acts
Fear Closes the Heart
As we know, violence begets violence and although the chaos is bringing an awareness that we cannot ignore, it is also breeding more hatred and misunderstanding. All attacks against protestors, bystanders, journalists, police, shop owners, and neighbors are toxic. None of the violence and destruction is acceptable or will bring peace. What to do?
Open to the Pain
Can you not see that if you hurt another, you hurt yourself as well? We are interdependent. What I do affects you and what you do affects me. Our nation and our world are out of balance because we believe we must compete, outwit, dominate and fight. These are primitive behaviors that no longer work. We are destroying ourselves. Let’s stop the hatred. Let’s lift each other up and care for one another.
Allow Feeling to Connect You
My heart aches….and that is good.