At the age of 24, the young astronomer, Clyde Tombaugh, spent months looking into the darkness and discovered Pluto in 1930 using the theoretical research of Percival Lowell and calculations of both Lowell and W.H. Pickering. Astronomers in the late 1700’s predicted that an outer planet existed based upon a theory that Uranus was being pulled out of its natural orbit by the attraction of an unknown object. Neptune was discovered in 1846 as a result and yet its mass still did not explain the irregularities in both Uranus and Neptune’s orbits. Deeper and wider searches succeeded in detecting Pluto. Nearly half a century later Pluto’s largest moon, Charon, was discovered. Pluto and Charon form a unique binary relationship spiraling around a common center outside of either one. The mass of the two together is not enough to affect Uranus or Neptune’s orbits.
With each nugget of knowledge, more unanswered questions appeared and advanced an insatiable desire to know. What else is beyond my sight and my touch? A wise scientific reviewer stated:
“The value of a scientific hypothesis is not to be judged by its truth but by the impulse which it gives to the search for truth"
This mysterious impulse for the truth leads you into a wider range of exploration. It is not a singular journey; it is one built upon the foundation of all of humanity. Instilled in the depths of your being is the desire to know your origin and to touch what is essentially the unity of your essence.
Initially, our senses focus outward into the darkness. This quest has taken humanity beyond the confines of Earth and into outer space. We have developed ever more precise technical instruments to extend our senses into the abyss of space touching deeper and deeper regions of the unknown.
Enigmatic Pluto, named for Hades, is the gatekeeper of the underworld at the edge of the Kuiper belt. It was seen as a mere dot of light in 1930. As recently as 1994 the clearest image captured by the Hubble telescope was a blurry blob of pixelated gray and white light mapping the surface. Hubble subsequently recorded enthralling starlit images of Pluto and found more moons in 2005 and 2011. Each snapshot created a clearer understanding whetting the appetite for a closer look and compelling need to reach farther. For nine years New Horizons spacecraft traveled through the darkness to Pluto. Communication to and from the craft taking nine hours as it neared its destination. Ten days before the flyby, communication with Earth was lost. Perseverance and necessity quickly came to the fore, connection was regained and the dream fulfilled. On July 14th, 2015 New Horizons flew by Pluto and its moons, with an even more intimate view of Pluto revealing an area that looks like a Heart.
"Imagine that… a giant Heart found in the darkness"
Yes, Imagine finding an enormous Heart on a planet we have named after the “King of the Underworld;” the realm of death. For humans, death has been synonymous with darkness and emptiness. Such is our fear of the unknown. Our yearning to know and connect pushes past our fear of death and annihilation. At this distant outpost we do not find annihilation but instead a Heart, the symbol and transmitter of Love. The gatekeeper to the cosmos and guardian of our solar system is Love.
Touching Pluto is not only a scientific discovery; it speaks to the journey past the shadows and darkness that lie within you to find the source of your being, Your Heart, which is pure Love. Simply by seeing and feeling the energy of this planet of transformation, you are changed...utterly and indescribably transformed. It touches a deep chord of truth catalyzing a remembrance of your innate joy. You have an intuitive sense of knowing that the universe is friendly and that your essence is made of unimaginably loving luminous consciousness. The courageous sojourn of a tiny craft traversing a prodigious expanse of space to touch and explore an unknown world gives us a confident map and inner knowing of our own inward journey.
Unity is Your Destiny
There will be a moment when the impulse to courageously cross into the mystery of your darkest fears and pain and go beyond all suffering will blossom within you. You carry the seed of connection. You are drawn to touch, to understand, and to unite with all aspects of your being even the murky dark ones. At the core is a joy filled Heart cradling your Essential Loving Self. It is the Way Home.
The Purifying Power of Pluto: Transcending the Lower Self