Balance….Peace…I have been reflecting on both of these words with the Equinox on the 23rd and not coincidentally the International day of Peace just days prior on the 21st. Early this morning the balance point between the hours of sunlight shining on the earth and the hours of darkness heralding the change to spring in the southern hemisphere and autumn in the northern hemisphere occurred....
The point of Balance is within the Pause
The point of balance is within the pause you experience between the inbreath and the outbreath. In mystical traditions and meditation practices, the pause between is known as the still point, the inner spaciousness where all is met in unity, the one heart, and the one consciousness. It contains everything and nothing. It is a point of transition; the stillness before movement or change in direction. So, just imagine and feel in this moment the whole earth breathing and every living being experiencing a long pause between the inhale and exhale, a moment of peace.
What is peace?
What is it that you yearn for when you say you want peace? Is it freedom from pain, disruption, conflict, dissonance, suffering or change? Is it a desire for homogeneity, agreement, doing things your way, or having the expectation that life or people need to be a certain way?
The pause is the space of unity and a true experience of peace. There is no polarity, no conflicting ideas, opposition or resistance, there are no beliefs or expectations, there is no differentiation or individuality; there is only the one experience of the unified field of consciousness. At the equinox the northern and southern hemispheres meet in the pause sharing the experience of love. The sun and the earth align their equators in harmony with each other to remind us “We are One Consciousness.”
The pause offers us space before movement in another direction. The equinox is the pause that marks a movement from light into dark and dark into light. It offers repose, quiet, emptiness and stillness before a change.
Life is Uncomfortable with Emptiness and Stillness.
Every molecule of our being is in constant movement vibrating a frequency of energy. Life wants to create and fill up space. To life stillness means death. Life is opposed to death. They are at opposite ends of the spectrum.
The pause is the space between ‘what is dying’ and ‘what is being born.’
Every moment there is change and death bringing forth life.
Life has a reaction to death. Think about your response to transition, change, and death. Do you find difficulty in letting go of relationships, habits, your beliefs, past memories and experiences, expectations, your identity, or your views about how life or people should be? You grieve when someone you love dies. Change can be painful. Letting go is often painful.
Pain occurs at the Intersection of what is Living and what is Dying
Life is what brings the experience of pain. In death, there is no pain; there is no sensation or feeling of pain. When we are physically wounded cells die. It is not the dead cells that hurt, it is the living nerve cells that respond with pain. Pain occurs at the intersection of what is living and what is dying. A child coming into life and feeling the intensity of sensation at taking the first breath may cry out. Through pain our physical body signals the transition between life and death. The intensity to which we feel pain speaks to the impact of the loss or the death on our ability to thrive and continue living. It tells us what has been important for our growth and well-being and what has not or is no longer necessary.
Pain speaks of the loss or dying of someone or something that has been vitally important or beneficial.
Think about the loss of a loved one, a friend or pet. Relationship and the bond of love are necessary for life. The magnitude and duration of emotion you experience is proportional to the value it has in your life. The loss or change in your career, identity, source of income, friends, family, children, physical health and abilities, sense of safety….whatever has been significant for your sense of self, growth, development and security may bring up emotional pain. Grief, sadness, depression, desperation, fear, anger, resentment, anxiety and stress are all possible.
Pain speaks of what no longer serves life and what brings new life.
Life draws us towards greater growth and well-being. Growth is often painful because you have already changed and continue to change. You sense the difference and perhaps the sense of loss whether consciously or not. When you enter the ‘pause’, you feel the stillness. You may feel lost in this unknown region. It may bring up a whole range of uncomfortable or painful feelings to inform you of a passage into new life. You are letting go of what brought you to this point in life and heading into new territory. You experience an unknown part of your being. Your spirit is not bound by the past, it continually draws you into new experiences of life, even ‘kicking and screaming’ when you resist.
Sense, Feel and Be the Stillness
At first it may take courage to be with emptiness and stillness. Start by sensing the spacious freedom and gentle peace. The pause is a benevolent space to resolve, grieve, make amends, forgive, remember, reflect upon your life, let go of what is not needed, and give gratitude and appreciation for your journey. In this place you carry forth what is essential in your life.
The gift the equinox brings is remembering the point of balance, the still point. Honor the ‘pause’ between breaths. Honor ‘what is dying,’ what has been a part of me and my life, what has served and benefited me, and what has fostered my growth. It is a time to equally honor “what is living,' all that is being enfolded into the greater whole and all that is coming into life that allows me to flourish and ripen into the greater being of my essence.