The Earth Pig enjoys its connection with the natural elements of earth. Pigs are happiest when they are in nature. In the Chinese system, the pig element is associated with water. They are actually a very clean animal and never soil their bed. They enjoy making nests, rolling around in the mud before sunbathing and immersing themselves in baths of water. Relationships are important to a pig whether animal, human, or to the earth. They love to find a playmate to play with or receive a belly rub, swim in the water, and with intense curiosity discover new places and experiences. Basically, “pigs just want to have fun.” This year it is good to include pleasure while developing nurturing relationships, the first relationship being with yourself.
Grounding Creative Expansion
The water element feeds wood. These energies fuel expansion and growth especially creativity; it is an auspicious time to explore new possibilities and evacuate corrosive shadow aspects that stunt movement. The preponderance of this energetic tide initiates impetuousness, which can be explosive. This burst of creativity needs to be grounded in Earth in order to stabilize, integrate and manifest. The force of water and wood will do its work to bring change and at the same time it can be overpowering. The ego wants stability and doesn’t like change. Defensiveness and resistance arise. When the world around you collapses how will you respond? What can you glean about the disposition of the pig that you can emulate in order to stay grounded and connected? What changes do you need to make to improve your relationship with yourself, others and all of life?
Patience and stillness are required in order to calmly come to center and bring ease to change. It may seem counter-intuitive to be patient when each day the news is filled with intense and dramatic events. When your partner or loved ones are stressed, they may be over-reacting with anxiety, frustration, agitation, harsh, and harmful behaviors rather than responding to you or themselves with kindness. Vulnerabilities are at the surface. The knee-jerk response is to act. The feminine Yin aspect of stillness has often not been understood or honored for the stability it brings. Strength, resilience, integrity and wisdom are attributes that develop with patience. Slowing down to be aware of how you interact with others and how your energy contributes in positive or negative ways is essential for your personal growth. The monastic pig asks us to pay attention to what is going on inside of us, to awaken to the reality of our thoughts, feelings, patterns of behavior and actions. What are you creating with your energy? In every moment your energy is radiated out and touches others. Are you contributing harmony and good will?
Looking Inward
The Yin energy of the pig focuses your attention on you instead of focusing on the behaviors of others. Not in a narcissistic way, but in a totally honest way. If you take responsibility for your part in relationship to others and life, you will have the ability to transcend energies that are anathema to your growth. If you flow like water with the inward Yin energy grounded into earth you will more easily exhume any imbalances or painful wounds that hold you in stuck or detrimental habits. You will be able to move outside of your wounding and not take affronts so personally. As you remain grounded in your search for your authentic creative loving self your relationships with others will improve and thrive. You will feel connected, which fosters a feeling of safety. When you are safe, your essence naturally expands and creates.
This year opens the opportunity for immense growth. Just like the pig, walk on the grass, roll in the dirt, bathe in soothing water, play with your friends, jump into a hot spring, breathe deeply, listen to the sounds of birds, try something new, be kind, nurture yourself and discover the hidden gems within. Life truly is on your side.
For help when you feel unstable and need centering:
Coming to Center: What to Do When You are Triggered